Five Facts about Our New Favorite Sustainable Materials: Bamboo, Palmyra, and Rubberwood
- Bamboo is native to countries like India, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, and other areas with warm climates. Bamboo is sustainable because it grows rapidly without needing much fertilizer or water, with some species growing three feet in a single day.
- Because bamboo grows so quickly, it yields up to 20 times more timber than other types of wood planted in the same amount of space. Talk about efficient!
- Bamboo rarely has to be replanted and also helps prevent soil erosion, keeping the land around it healthier and more productive.
- Palmyra is a type of palm tree that can grow up to 98 feet high. Farmers in Asia plant palmyra to draw water from deep underground closer to the surface, creating an irrigation system for other plants with shorter roots. Palmyra leaves can be used to make mats, baskets, fans, hats, umbrellas – and bristles in grill brushes!
- Rubberwood comes from – wait for it – rubber trees. Surprise, surprise! These trees serve two purposes: First, they’re tapped for natural latex rubber, which they produce regularly for about 30 years. After that, they make less latex, but can be repurposed for other products like flooring, furniture, toys – and grill tools!
Charcoal Companion products made with these materials include Bamboo Grill Brush w/ Palmyra Sustainable Safe-Scrub™ Bristles – CC1100 and Safe Scrape™ The Non-Bristle Grill Cleaning Tool! – CC4120.
A recent Nielsen survey reported that more people are looking for sustainable home goods, which doesn’t surprise us given the strong response to our Safe-Scrub™ and Safe Scrape™ brushes. If you’ve got one of our sustainable grill brushes, let us know what you think!