First Annual Pool Tournament

I could start with a cliché that we here at The Companion Group “work as hard as we play,” but honestly, for a few hours in the afternoon last Friday, work was completely forgotten as we gathered around to watch the finals of our First Annual Pool Tournament. The idea of a tournament began floating around the office as soon as Chuck not only purchased a table for the office to use, but also hired a pool pro to spend an afternoon giving us lessons. Chuck and Wendy drew teams out of a hat, organized brackets, and the games began…

Ken Aiming his Shot

Round 1 took place the first week of October, and I can attest to some intense and heated battles! Round 2 began with our CEO and our video guru (Simone) challenging the leaders of our Creative Department. As the game got started, almost every employee in the office gathered around to watch. The smack talk was minimal as the teams focused. Creative took game 1 with a victory dance from Wendy. Natalie, in the Creative Department, showed her support with a dual-purpose sign (one side said “Yeah Simone and Chuck!” and the other “Go Wendy and Sharon!”) and applause audio from Jane’s phone. The game was long and intense, with Chuck and Simone tying it up 1-1. Game 3 was swift and even. With only three balls on the table, Simone, a.k.a. Pool Shark – came through and sank the final two balls.

Chuck taking aim

Round 3 – Unfortunately I was slaving away at my desk for round 3 – OOPS!

The Final Round

Doug shows his support

After a company lunch in the kitchen, we gathered around the pool table and placed our bets on the winning duo (with a firm reminder from Chuck and Doug that gambling was not approved). A hush fell over the crowd as Ken sank the first ball. After five or six more shots of complete silence, Chuck gave Simone direct instructions on how to make her next shot. She took aim and replied: “Thanks, Dad!”

Jane and Ken took game 1 as Doug jumped in and wiped the sweat from their brows! (Can you guess who he was rooting for?) It was even-stevens for game 2. Again this game was tight and both teams were down to their last ball. Jane scratched on her shot with an emphatic “Ugghh!” from the crowd. Simone was able to steal game 2 for her and the boss. Game 3 was also won by Chuck and Simone, while Ken and Jane took game 4.

The Final Game

After a pretty consistent back and forth between the two teams, the table was left with a stripe, two solids, and the 8 ball. Unfortunately, Chuck missed his shot, and accidentally pocketed one of the solid balls — which belonged to the other team. According to our house rules, this meant the cue ball went “ball in hand” to the other team; they could place the cue ball wherever they wanted to on the table. In short order, Jane took out her solid 5 ball, and Ken stepped in to finish off the 8 – resulting in a victory!

Jane lines it up

First Annual Winners

Winners received a hand-crafted framed memento, courtesy of Natalie’s amazing creativity, and cold hard cash! We all enjoyed a victory celebration with cookies, cupcakes, and cake balls! The final two teams are some of the most talented players in the office… so we’ll all avoid playing them in the future!

 Our winning team: Jane and Ken!

As for our side bets, we all decided to donate the money towards Cory’s “Creepy Mustache” fund, a.k.a. Movember. You should donate too! In fact, here’s the link for you to donate NOW!

Until next time my friends. . .

Niki Gross

Niki is the Marketing Communications Manager for The Companion Group. She is responsible for marketing and communications strategies, from advertising to websites. She is a wife, mother, yogi, and lover of cheeseburgers, proper grammar and a strong work ethic!

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