Appetizers on the Grill

There’s good food and there’s great food. There are the meals you’ll never forget; you know, that meal you talked about for a week. The same meal that made for an impromptu photoshoot with your phone, the one that ended up on your Facebook wall. But the best meals I’ve had are more than just sitting down to eat. Great-tasting food is certainly important, but the experience also depends on other factors like the dining atmosphere, service, and timing. Some of the best eating experiences that I’ve had all started with the same thing: an appetizer.

There are endless types of appetizers and so many ways to cook and present them. Today we’ve lined up some of our newest products guaranteed to make appetizers on the grill tasty, simple, and so convenient you just might make it a permanent part of your dinner-time routine.

The Life of the Party

Why do appetizers taste so good? The most obvious answer is that appetizers are served when people are the hungriest. Beyond that, appetizers can also be fun to eat and be a visually appealing part of your next gathering. These delicious bites are a good way to start the party and give you ample time to prepare the main course while your guests snack away. Finger foods usually produce few dirty dishes and encourage conversation amongst guests, two things worth their weight in gold at social gatherings.

Wings & Drumsticks

What used to be one of the least desired cuts from a chicken has transitioned to one of the most popular finger foods we know today. Chicken wings and drumsticks have exploded in popularity and have far outlived the time where they were considered “scrap.”

When it comes to grilling chicken, it’s time to stop wingin’ it (pun intended) and time to start cooking this appetizer the easy and efficient way, with our new drumstick and wing rack. The rack is made from durable stainless steel and collapses for easy storage. With all your wings and drumsticks on a rack, repositioning is snap. Also your chicken won’t stick to the grill, and you’ll end up with more space for additional food.

CC3125 Folding Drumstick & Wing Grilling Rack - Styled

CC3125 Folding Drumstick
Wing Grilling Rack


If chicken wings aren’t on your appetizer menu, skewers might be the next best thing. While skewers make for an easy meal, they’re even more convenient as an appetizer. The process of preparing skewers, by seasoning and threading the ingredients, can be done hours ahead of time for a quick finish when it comes time to eat. Of course, the best way to cook them is most definitely on the grill.

This year, we’ve designed our best set of skewers yet. Our stainless steel flat skewers were designed to look as good as they function. We’ve increased the width on these skewers to prevent ingredients from spinning around and enhances even cooking. The handle fits comfortably in your hand and has a loop to hang the skewers from for convenient storage.

CC5147 Flat Skewers - Styled

CC5147 Flat Skewers

Blossoming Onion

The original version of this appetizer, which was battered and deep fried, was first introduced at a popular steak house chain in 1988. We’ve taken the idea and put a modern twist on it with a healthier and easier approach. The blossoming onion grill rack set gives you all the tools you need to make a beautiful, charred, smoky onion that tastes great with any of the three included dip recipes. The kit includes a cutting guide, onion coring tool, a roasting rack, and three dip recipes to compliment your freshly-grilled onion. If you still crave a deep fried onion, the cutting guide can be used to get that perfect blossoming effect before you fry.

CC5149 Blossoming Onion Grill Rack - Step 3

CC5149 Blossoming
Onion Grill Rack
Step 3

Fondue Set

Fondue is a classic favorite. Personally, it’s high on my list of delicious ways to serve cheese. Not only does fondue shine with a warm, fresh, loaf of bread – but it also tastes amazing served with grilled meats and vegetables. Just like the blossoming onion we thought it was time for a modern twist on fondue, so we created this set. The set features a perforated grill grid with a reservoir in the center to hold the fondue. We’ve included a wood trivet so the setup can come off the grill and go straight to the table. The reservoir is detachable for easy cleaning and convenient storage.

CC3530 Fondue Grill Set - Styledh

CC3530 Fondue Grill Set

We’re eager to hear of your favorite appetizer or recipe that keeps your family and friends begging for more!

Daniel Replogle

Daniel does business development and marketing at The Companion Group. When he isn’t writing you can find him rock climbing or doing ceramic artwork.